Online learning (e-learning, distance learning, e-learning) is a method of acquiring new knowledge using the Internet in real-time. At the moment the e-learning industry is one of the fastest-growing technologies in the world in the field of education. Education via the Internet is perfect for those who live in remote areas, as well as for those who, for certain reasons, can not attend full-time education. And today we will talk to you about online services for students!
The undoubted advantages of distance learning courses online are also:
– The ability for the learner to independently build a training schedule, as well as determine the duration of classes.

– Free choice. The learner chooses any of the available training courses, as well as independently planning the time, place, and duration of classes.
– Accessibility. Regardless of the geographical location and time, the student has access to educational resource and course materials.
– Technological accessibility – the use in the educational process of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies.
How do make sure that online lessons for students are clear and constructive, how to prepare for the workplace, and choose the right background for a web conference?
1. Plan of Action
When organizing communication in web space, it is advisable to ask yourself a clear question, “What do I need to do with my students?” Keep in touch with them, post-self-study materials, get questions or homework from them to review? Or do you need to give live lessons? You need to make a list of specific tasks and act on them.
2. Choosing A Web Platform for Video Conferencing
Most of the functions necessary for a teacher are performed by a combination of two tools: video conferencing platform and LMS – a platform for organizing distance learning. This is the best online service. Examples abound, you can easily find them on the Internet with the request “platform for video conferencing”, or “to conduct webinars”. The most popular now are Zoom, Adobe Congest, Webinar, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. Among LMSs are Moodle, Canvas, EdX, iSpring, but for teachers who organize their own training, I would recommend Google Classroom.
3. Familiar Services

You can also start from what platforms your students are familiar with. That way, they can help you understand the technology. For example, students often communicate with each other on streaming apps like Discord – and that service could very well be used to teach an online lesson with voice communication and screen sharing.
An important recommendation: make sure you have a backup plan in case the platform you are working on cannot handle the influx of participants that has been happening to many platforms lately. The reserve airfield could be another webinar platform or familiar Skype, which is suitable to quickly gather students.
4. Workplace
The workplace should not be cluttered with extraneous things. And its background should be neutral so that there are as few distractions for students as possible, lighting should be good, clothing should be comfortable but formal, and the chair should be comfortable. “And be sure to have water nearby, because the strain on the ligaments of an online teacher is very heavy,” the university’s press office quoted the expert as saying.
5. Desktop
Your computer should have enough space to install the necessary programs and the highest quality internet connection. Starting an online class, you should stop all downloads, close your bookmarks, ask your home mates not to watch YouTube videos and not to download anything, because the load on the channel increases and the connection may be interrupted.
A Few Tips If You Are A Teacher
Take Ready-Made Materials
You don’t have to do presentations for each of your classes, you can take ready-made materials from open educational resources.
We need to get in touch with students beforehand, find out how they are doing, how they are feeling, and what their technical capabilities are. This, too, will affect the choice of tools: if we understand that students will be logging in from their phones, then we need to choose platforms that will work well from their phones.
Ask students in advance to set up the software that will be needed for the class. At the first online meeting, allocate maybe half of the class, not to learning new material, but for students to look around, get a good feel for the new environment. Also, be sure to participate in My Exam One. It’s the best online service for everyone! If you have participated in this online service, you can easily access your medical exam result. To use this service, namely myexamone com/results you must follow the instructions by visiting the official website!
Rules and Boundaries
According to an expert, there can be many distractions during an online lesson, so you need rules so the group can interact effectively. Ask students to turn off notifications on their phones, put their phone’s screen down, and close all third-party tabs so they don’t get distracted.

First, if at all possible, it’s worth rearranging your online class schedule. One hour of a face-to-face class does not equal one hour of an online class; it is more productive to reduce contact hours and allow more time for students to work independently at a time and pace that is convenient for them.
Physical Education Minute
During the online lessons it is important to change activities and take breaks as often as possible: stretch your legs, pour yourself a cup of tea, and get distracted from the screen. Such breaks can be taken during the class without interrupting the course of the lesson: you can give students the task of drawing something, with schoolchildren you can do a warm-up.
Bottom Line
Now the whole world has moved to online work, training, and business. The field of education has also undergone some changes: schoolchildren and students have learned to study online, teachers – to build appropriate programs. To improve qualifications, one can limit oneself to effective courses without visiting the walls of an educational institution. So we hope in this article you learned all the ways and tips for successful online learning!