Every person from birth has a tailbone, which is a rudimentary tail. In the course of evolution, the need for the latter has been exhausted. A similar situation is observed with paper newspapers and magazines. They are a relic of the past. They were replaced first by websites, and then by mobile applications. Since applications are more relevant today, let’s talk about what opportunities they provide for news resources.
The electronic media market is notable for its density and high competition. However, at the moment, most resources do not have really high-quality (if we talk about official, of course) applications. This order of things is more than favorable, since it is not so difficult to stand out from the competitors by creating a high-quality mobile application.
Suppose you are a regular reader of some resource. You like the frequency of news appearances on it and you read analytical articles with interest. Now imagine that you want access to what you like on it, was even more convenient, right on your smartphone. You go to Google Play or the App Store, carefully enter the name of the resource in the search bar and – oh, disappointment! – he’s not there! This is a tangible blow to the reputation.

If your news resource has a significant audience, launching a mobile application opens up the opportunity for you to profit from advertising. But there are also pitfalls: the appearance of advertising is perceived by users ambiguously. Some, due to its presence, may refuse to use the application, others will get used to it (of course, if it is not in excess of it).
The bottom line is the mobile application is an adapted version of the site. This means that all of its sections, categories and general stylistics are neatly adapted to the small screen. All this is accompanied by pleasant animation.