1. Make a Time Schedule and Stick With It – One of the biggest challenges that most modern writers face is finding time to write each day. But if you can make a time schedule, preferably one that fits your own personal daily routine, then you will be able to find time every day during your normal work hours. In fact, this is not even a “time schedule” anymore; it should become part of your entire daily routine! Set aside a specific time each day to write. Now, you can create your schedule however it is most practical and convenient for you. But this should not be optional; it will help keep your mind focused on writing during that set time period.
2. Not Every Piece Needs to be Perfect – Don’t let perfectionism get in the way of producing more content! If there are times when you simply do not have enough material/ideas to fill up the manuscript, then don’t worry about it too much. You can always revisit that unfinished portion when inspiration strikes again later (something I face often). It’s okay if some parts of the manuscript are still blank at present times; just keep writing until you reach a stopping point, go back to the incomplete parts later, and keep writing.
3. Do Some Research First – I am a firm believer that good research is essential for writers who want to produce quality content. But don’t let this slow you down either; one of my favorite tools is Wikipedia, since it provides lots of reliable information in an easy-to-read format. If you’re not sure what someone is talking about or if they are using any technical terms out-of-context, simply search on Wikipedia! Specifically, researching before you write your first draft can help you get acquainted with all the new concepts/ideas that will come up over time so that you won’t have to stop often to figure things out as you go along. This approach also makes the entire writing process easier.

4. Find a Good Source of Inspiration – Writers usually get their best ideas while they are in the middle of a project, so it is important to be ready at all times with some good sources of inspiration! For example, watching movies or documentaries (my favorite), reading books, listening to music/audio tapes, and even engaging in hobbies can provide inspiration for your work-in-progress. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different activities until you find one that works best for you; just make sure that whatever activity you choose gets your creative juices flowing!
5. Write Often Every Day – I’m guessing most writers have heard this before: “Writing is not just an event; it’s a process, not a product.” And I completely agree with this philosophy. The act of writing isn’t just the first draft of your advanced manuscript; it is also developing a consistent, daily routine to improve yourself as a writer and keep producing content at different stages of your work-in-progress. You will never be able to get better if you only write once in every blue moon!
6. Get an Accountability Partner/Group – One thing that helps writers like me stay motivated throughout the entire writing process is having someone else hold me accountable for my goals. This could be a professional colleague or even an online community; just make sure that whoever you choose shares similar interests and understands what you are trying to accomplish (and why). Another good approach is to have a group or small working team that mutually supports one another throughout the writing process. This way, no one person will feel like they are “alone in this” and may end up giving up too soon!
7. Take Advantage of Your Vacations – As fun as vacations can be, most people don’t like taking time off from work since it means losing out on some income and productivity. But if you’re trying to write an advanced manuscript for your career, then taking full advantage of your vacation time is a good idea! For example, I find it easier to do most of my research and brainstorming while everyone else around me is relaxing; this gives me enough time alone to focus completely on my goals without any distractions. However, if you don’t need to do any research or brainstorming, I recommend finding some good books and writing out your first draft on paper while everyone else is busy with other activities. This way, you won’t find yourself in a position where you have to worry about interruptions every few minutes!
8. Get Adequate Amounts of Sleep – A few years ago, I had a professor who used to tell us how “sleep was the enemy” when it came time for class finals; however, there are far more negative consequences that arise from having inadequate amounts of sleep than just poor grades (although this seems like the biggest one). For example, not getting enough rest has been known to cause much lower levels of concentration and focus throughout the day, and these effects can mess up your entire writing process! So, be sure to take care of yourself physically if you want to keep being productive throughout your writing process.
Take a Break from Your Writing – Believe it or not, taking some time off from your work-in-progress is actually a good thing for most writers! For instance, I often find myself coming back to my manuscript after each day’s break with a renewed sense of purpose; since I’ve had ample time away from my manuscript during that period, I feel like rereading and revising my advanced manuscript becomes easier and much more enjoyable than before. Another great reason to take breaks is simply because we all need rest once in a while (especially if you are struggling with a particularly difficult piece of your work). Just make sure that each time you take a break, you set realistic goals for yourself; otherwise, it can be very easy to get too lazy and never finish your work-in-progress!