Today we will talk about the importance of apps for business, education because of their mobility, visibility, and accessibility, also because of the opportunities they provide. The use of mobile applications has a number of advantages like:
- Mobility.
- Increased quality of communication.
- Colorfulness.
- Automatic and fast exercise checking.
- high level of personalization
- possibility to use the smartphone functions in the most convenient way (camera, geolocation, etc.)
- the ability to work offline
- original design solutions
- higher performance and code efficiency
- the mobile app is always faster than a mobile site
A Mobile App Is Worth Developing If:
- your brand wants to develop a relationship with loyal customers
- you want to be in touch with your customer (educational information, chat, sending notifications)
- your customer responds actively to your content and service. This means they have formed a user habit and are ready to incorporate your app into their daily life
- you offer products or services that can be completed in 1-2 clicks (selling equipment, booking soccer fields, signing up for training)
- this is a competitive advantage
Advantages of Mobile Applications

- Apps can generate regular profits for several years if they meet the needs of the target audience and have been launched on time.
- Also, managing a business based on a mobile app doesn’t require a lot of time. The main work involves updating apps for new versions of iOS and Android and adding new features.
- Most people spend a lot of time with their smartphones, and this provides additional marketing opportunities for mobile app owners. For example, you can place ads on the social networks Facebook or Vkontakte, and when a user clicks on it, he is immediately taken to the store and can install a mobile application on his smartphone.
Why Mobile Apps Are Needed
Much has already been saying about the fact that thanks to the development of the mobile Internet, businesses are getting new marketing opportunities. Yes, everyone can now look up information about a company online, even while on the subway on their way to work or while traveling to another country.

Therefore, there is a surge of activity in the relevant market – companies are striving to develop mobile versions of their websites. It would seem that there could be no better solution – it is enough to have a site that is easy to view through a mobile device to gain a foothold in the new popular segment.
But in practice, creating a mobile site is not always the most expedient and sufficient solution in terms of promoting products or services to a mobile audience. To understand the reason, just answer the question, “Where is that audience mostly concentrated?” Most of the mobile audience is concentrated in the online services of the manufacturers of operating systems for smartphones, allowing the download and purchase of various applications, such as the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace. That is why application development services for the iPhone, iPad, and Android development turn out to be so important and in demand.
Benefits of Mobile Phones
Everyone always has their cell phone with them. And if it is connected to the Internet, its owner can be reached with a very specific commercial offer.
This is why it makes sense to communicate information to the mobile consumer through mobile applications, which provide much more marketing opportunities for presenting offers to consumers than mobile websites, which only aim to make browsing more convenient for different categories of users.
Before starting to develop an app, our experts study the specifics of your business. This allows us to offer solutions that work not only from a programmatic but also from a marketing point of view. At the initial stage, our specialists carry out visualization of your project and prepare a presentation, which clearly shows how the application will solve your problems. That’s why app development for iPad, iPhone, and other popular mobile devices is the right choice for a business owner who needs to develop.
How Is an App Different from A Mobile Site?
Quite often users are confused about the functional differences between a mobile site and an app for a smartphone, tablet, or another gadget. It also happens that startups and even established businesses do not understand why they should pay for the development of separate software for the phone when it is possible to “adjust” to the resolution of the mobile display of a ready-made website.
Let’s Explore the Key Differences and Functionalities of An Adapted Website and App
A mobile version of a website is a redesigned, and in some cases adapted, web page design and content for easy viewing on a smartphone display. The easiest way is to create a copy of the main site for PCs and try to adjust it for mobile resolution. The best option is to completely “overhaul” the site and create a new design that the user can comfortably interact with via the touch screen.

Accordingly, a simple adjustment of the PC version for gadgets is called a “rubber” layout. That is, the site remains the same content and design, but it changes in size. Blocks become smaller. This solution was most popular 10-15 years ago when sales from mobile gadgets could not compete with the PC. Now a lot has changed. From the mobile channel comes more traffic and sales. Therefore, the “rubber” site is inferior in lead generation to mobile apps.
The main advantages of the site are minimal development costs (in fact, the smartphone version is made “for delivery” from the main site), cross-platform, and quick updates.
One significant disadvantage crosses out all the advantages. An adapted site has a low level of interaction with the user. Even with good traffic, such a site will not convert leads well.
That’s It!
In fact, the functionality of mobile applications has long surpassed adapted websites. Today you can download and install on your smartphone programs for business, training, organizers with reminder options, entertainment content, and various services. And so today we looked at the material on why apps are good for your business. we hope you enjoyed this article.